Hello Queer Seniors - it's Merry May - just how do we celebrate? Come find out at the potluck on May 11 at UU Spokane, noon. Volunteers needed to come early and/or stay late for set up or clean up.
Happy blooming birthday to any May babies. A little bird told me it’s Mae’s birthday, the 25th of May.....
Our group news:
If you are a Friday zoomer or you attend potlucks, you know our friend Jerry. Jerry sold his trailer and moved to Whitbey Island on the 22nd of April. Safe travels.
Cam, we wish you all the best in your cancer treatment. We’re just a phone call or email away if you need anything. That goes for any member of the group!
If you missed the potluck or zoom speaker in April, you missed out!
We had a great time at the potluck and learned about the upcoming state-wide LGBTQ+ survey from Dr. Traci Gillig. The results of the survey will be used to influence policies in the legislature. At the Zoom on April 19th Matthew shared information
about the LGBTQ History Project that will be part of the Pride celebration and hopefully be archived in a central location.
Thank you, Christine for baking the ham that our grant funds paid for at the potluck.
Don’t worry there’s time to ask questions at our May Potluck
on Saturday, May 11th 4340 W. Whistalks Way, baked chicken will be provided, again, thanks to the grant monies at NOON. Please bring a dish to share and RSVP to
if you hope to come so, we set up enough tables.
We are gearing up for Pride Celebrations on June 1 in Coeur d'Alene and June 8th in Spokane. The group is registered for the Spokane parade and a “booth”. We need people to walk in the parade and people to person the booth - just getting our name out there, educating folks about who we are - visibility matters. If you can assist, please do - contact Hannah rosebudmd@gmail.com
How long the hours at the booth are, depends on the number of people who say they’ll help out. We’d like 2 people for each shift so no one gets lonely. Please let Hannah know NOW if you would like to help. Let’s not wait until the last minute to volunteer.
If you want to help out at the booth in Coeur d’Alene, please get in touch with Doug or Ken.
We purchased business cards, key chains, refrigerator magnets, stickers and rainbow candy to hand out at the booths. Thanks, Ken, for purchasing these, paid for by the grant money.
We will rent some wheelchairs IF people request them to
participate in the parade. Please let Nancy know if you want a wheelchair NOW.
Don’t wait, as we need to reserve them.
If you would be willing to share your lgbtq journey at PRIDE, please contact
Nancy. Your story can be 2 minutes, 5, 10 or longer. You’ll be sharing at a table in the pavilion, or maybe just walking around in the pavilion sharing your story. NancyTavery@comcast.net
Tasty Taco first Tuesday have been slurpy fun thanks to Hannah. Unfortunately, Uprise Brewing stopped doing Taco Tuesday but fun was had in spite of that.
TACO Tuesday on May, 7th at 5PM will be at The Drinkery
MAY Events
Fridays at 4pm zoom call
Tuesday, May 7th
Taco Tuesday
5PM The Drinkery 828 W Garland Ave, Spokane, WA
Saturday, May 11 potluck at UU Please email Nancy to let her know
you are coming, if possible. Having a headcount makes setting up easier on our senior backs.
Wednesday, May 29th NOON
Lunch out on the Town
location The northside ONION
Thursday, May 30
Steering Committee meeting 4 pm zoom
Thank you all for your participation and good will.