Happy Fourth of July Everybody
Thanks to Jacki and Hannah for coordinating the Pride booth at the park last month - although our placement was a tad out of the way, several people did come by, and our mailing list is expanding! The Pride Day in Spokane was well attended and without incident. Important to note that Coeur d'Alene Pride in the Park was held just before Spokane's event. It was also well attended and without incident.
Please note that our July Tuesday Taco Night will be July 11th, at the Garland Drinkery, beginning at 5:00pm. We will not be meeting on the 4th.
We are reliably informed that the Drinkery is very LGBTQ+ friendly, pet friendly, and easy on the wallet. The Drinkery is located on Garland. 828 W Garland Ave
Our monthly potluck will be Saturday, July 8, noon at our regular place - UU of Spokane.
We do rely on volunteers to help set up and clean up.
4340 W Whistalks Way
Please RSVP to Nancy so that we can plan accordingly. RSVP NancyTavery@comcast.net
At our Steering Committee meeting June 29, it was decided to pursue an affiliation with SAGE. Next month's newsletter will have a more in-depth summary of what that means.
Have you visited our website? Here is the link: http://www.LGBTQSeniorsoftheinlandnorthwest.com
Thank you to Shanette King and Scott Mueller for all of your help in designing and launching our website.
Anyone have any ideas for fundraising?
Donations have been sparse; funds are dwindling and expenses expanding. Your ideas are welcome.
Happy Birthday to the following folks for June and July 2023 - Yay Gemini, Cancer and Leo
Deena, Jan, Penny, Phillip and in July: Jeffrey and Raymond. (From our data base)
Check out these dates ( July 1 - Canada Day, July 4th - Independence Day, July 14 - Bastille Day, July 18 - Islamic New Year, and let us not forget July 11 - International Town Criers Day. Yup.
Your LGBTQ+Seniors Steering Committee wishes you a safe and sane holiday full of hot dogs, tofu, lots of water and lively conversation -