NOVEMBER??? How did we get here? Ah well, here we are indeed.
Happy Birthday to any Queer Elder Babies, no one owned up to having a birthday this month.
Dates to note:
- October 31 vaccination clinic at UU Spokane - stay healthy and help us fundraise from 10-2.
- Time changes at midnight, November 4 - we fall back an hour. Does anyone our age actually stay up that late anymore?
- Monday, November 6 Ken and Christine will be part of a panel discussion on elder and youth lbgtq health issues. This will be in Coeur d'Alene at the Human Rights Education Center. The event is sponsored by North Idaho Pride Alliance. Free, to register go to the NIPA website and follow the links.
- Taco Tuesday, November 7 at NYNE at 5 - come meet up after YOU VOTE.
- Saturday November 11 (Veterans Day) our noon potluck at UUCS - how about bringing your favorite Thanksgiving dish? An unsuspecting turkey will be provided as well as a turkey, potato, cranberry casserole from the.Supper Club.
- Every Friday at 4 pm zoom check-in and chat. As a reminder, every third Friday of the month we try to have a speaker on a topic of interest to the group followed by a question-and-answer time. If you have a topic to consider, please email Doug at
- Thanksgiving Day, Thursday November 23. We will have a zoom call on Friday, November 24.
- December 2 Spectrum Singers Fall Concert - time and location to be announced. Some of our group members are in the chorus, and the whole chorus does a wonderful job presenting - come support them!
- DECEMBER 2 - OUR DECEMBER HOLIDAY POTLUCK IS ON THIS DAY. We are changing the date from our usual date to accommodate a church rental event. There will be a prize for the ugliest LGBTQ+ sweater ever.
News of Note:
We have partnered with Consistent Care of Washington to offer several days in which you, your family, friends and associates can get a current COVID booster shot, as well as a seasonal flu shot - all for free. Check our website at for more specific information. Our group will receive a stipend from Consistent Care for the members of our group who are volunteering. So, please stay healthy and support our group by showing up! Bring family and friends! You’ll receive $25.00 grocery gift cards for each shot you get. See the QR code below to pre-register.
The Steering Committee submitted a grant to the Smith-Barbieri Progressive Foundation that would help us develop a resource center, have our own zoom account, cover booth entry fees for Pride events and more. Stay tuned to find out how we did.
Board members of the North Idaho Pride Association came to our last potluck and stayed afterwards to discuss with some of our group ways that we might support each other. It was great to share the space with them - and they say they will be back!
The Steering Committee met on October 25 for a one-day retreat - a number of subjects were discussed, including how we might be more inclusive and expansive. Your thoughts are most welcome. We also planned for Third Friday Zoom Speakers through February - hopefully, we will have someone from LGBTQ+ legal assistance, Peer Spokane and a representative from either ACLU or SPLC to talk about legislation that could affect us, as well as mystery guests in December.
Well, it seems like it’s time to get out the wool socks and snow shovels - stay healthy and safe everyone. Gobble gobble from your steering committee